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Could IndigoReports be the Business Intelligence tool you're missing?

Written by Alan Garland | Thu 17 Sep 2020

You might think you’ve got Business Intelligence (BI) covered – most businesses like to think they do. Alternatively, you might be wondering how important it really is; you have enough monitoring and reporting in your life, do you really need to dig into the data any more?

Consider whether your security software allows you to plan for the future, not just be reactive to the present? Does human error still play a part in your data’s inaccuracy? Are many of your reports and checks still performed manually?

If you’re lacking accuracy, automation and instantly actionable data, you might benefit from exploring your options. The latest product from IndigoVision could be the solution your business needs right now: meet IndigoReports.

1. You want to save your team time and hassle

If you’re one of the businesses that is still using convoluted methods to extract data from your system – or possibly across multiple sources – you’re not alone. This method, while once upon a time was the only way for security operators to get intelligence, is now a waste of their time and expertise.

Your security team is highly skilled and could be using their time in far better ways, meanwhile avoiding some of the frustrations that come with an overly manual method of data collection. This is a pattern Jeff Swanson, Vice President of Business Development USA at IndigoVision, sees time and time again when he speaks to businesses:

Security managers might spend time trying to correlate data out of an existing audit log, but most people don’t take the time because of how convoluted it is. I’d estimate that with IndigoReports it should reduce the effort from days to two hours.
If your business is at risk of not using the security data you’re collecting because it’s just too much fuss to do so, it’s worth asking the question: what’s the point of collecting it in the first place? A simple, smooth and fast method to extract data and meaning from your business is something most industries will benefit from, as Jeff Swanson continues:
IndigoReports’ capabilities mean the types of industries that are going to be able to take advantage of the additional clean methods of getting data are very wide.

Currently, while your security team is making sense of data, they might be missing other important tasks; their real-time monitoring and securing of your environment. If your business can’t perform auditing efficiently because you don’t have time, you’re not only compromising staff and visitors’ safety, but potentially risking being non-compliant with industry guidelines you’re responsible for adhering to. 

2. You want to automate your systems

Faster access to data means you can react far quicker. Business Intelligence isn’t just about using historic and current data, it’s about using those insights to plan and predict the future. But what if you’ve got so much data – hundreds of cameras and alarms across your environment – that manually checking it all to gather these impressions for the future is a huge task? 

Andy Love, Head of Project Management at IndigoVision says this is something he’s come across with businesses plenty of times before:

You can have all the data in the world but if you can’t make it simple for your team to access and read, it’s useless. Having accurate data at your fingertips gives you insights without having to dig around and create delays.

If you want to see patterns across a certain area of your site, a certain alarm which regularly goes off, or a particular event which regularly happens and may indicate a breach, you can do so instantly and without fuss. This enables far quicker response rates, too.

Jon Isaacson, Product Manager at IndigoVision, explains that IndigoReports ensures that the review of audit log requires very little ‘digging’ to get the information you’re seeking, whereas legacy systems that are full of data but lack the proper software with which to view it, are close to useless for businesses:

If you look at your audit data, [in a platform such as IndigoReports] and you can quickly spot a spike in users doing something bad (for example, attempting to view a camera without permission), someone can go and dig into that deeper and put an investigation together to figure out what’s going on. Without the ability to quickly spot a ‘needle in a haystack’, these types of trends may go unnoticed.

The technology that makes up BI involves two components: the data and the tool to visualise it. Some customers have systems that are twenty five years old who have extensive data and could answer almost any question they want to if they were willing to put the work in – but often they don’t have a central place to go and look, so in 9 cases out of 10, it just doesn’t get done.

3. You want to make better security decisions

Put the power back in the hands of your security team, to help them make good, evidence-based decisions. Business Intelligence allows security operators to support their choices, should regulatory bodies or leadership from within your business request answers. Additionally, with IndigoReports, your whole business can become more accountable, using the data across different teams and for different functions, as Jon Isaacson explains:

There are two key benefits in the type of intelligence you get from IndigoReports: you have the operational reports and the security reports. On the operational side, anybody who needs video surveillance for their business operations can benefit from the reporting to help them maintain system operations. On the security side, it’s extremely beneficial to any industry that is driven by regulatory compliance, such as finance, healthcare, casinos and government.

Supporting the wider business with operational reporting, as well as making your security decisions more grounded in fact, ensures your business gets the most out of their investment. More accurate reporting, which in turn leads to more informed/logical actions, allows you to keep making your environment safer as time goes by. In industries where regulatory compliance is especially important, any reporting that you need to do is typically something that touches every department in the organisation. 

It’s not always clear what your security issues are, or if you have any – it can be easier to bury your head in the sand and think you know everything you need to. One of the major benefits of BI is that not only does it help you solve problems and make decisions, but it also really helps you see what the problems are in the first place. 

In a lot of cases you might not have an easy way to see if there are trends in the things going wrong, even if you look at a huge quantity of technical data and you spot a spike on a chart, it might take you a while to drill into what that means. Having a way to validate your system, quickly spot issues and fix them is how you prevent yourself from being a company where a critical incident happens.

IndigoReports allows you to uncover not only what security issues you have, but how and where to fix them. The Business Intelligence software helps you utilise the in-depth data you probably already have – making it relevant and worthwhile, instead of hidden where no-one can find it. If you’ve already got excellent data stored away, unlock the true potential of it with a powerful, modern Business Intelligence tool.